Watch The Judge and the Executioner Online

watch The Judge and the Executioner
The Judge and the Executioner

The Judge and the Executioner Online

  • Genres: Drama
  • Release Date: 27/03/1978
  • Duration : 1 hour 35 minutes
  • Director: Nader Galal
  • Country: Egypt


(Sherif) is a businessman who shares the company with his partner (Kamal). Kamal's father arrives from abroad and takes (Mahmoud), (Nahid's) fiancé, with him. They go to (Sherif) to offer a deal. Kamal is shocked when he sees his wife (Laila) with his friend and partner. He collapses and rushes to the car in a bad psychological state and is killed in an accident. (Mahmoud) confesses to (Nahid) the truth about the relationship between (Sherif) and (Laila). (Nahid) decides to take revenge on (Sherif), and the events of the film continue.
