Watch Brácula: Condemor II Online

watch Brácula: Condemor II
Brácula: Condemor II

Brácula: Condemor II Online

  • Genres: Horror, Comedy
  • Release Date: 13/08/1997
  • Duration : 1 hour 27 minutes
  • Director: Álvaro Sáenz de Heredia
  • Production: Producciones A.S.H. Films S.A.
  • Country: Spain
5 /10
24 votes


After their adventures in Aquí llega Condemor (el Pecador de la Pradera) (1996), Condemor and Lucas take a ship to Europe, but it sinks, and they save themselves from being drowned by climbing on a coffin. Floating on it, they arrive on the shore, where a group of spooky, ghostly characters mistake Condemor for Count Dracula, whose arrival they have been expecting for 200 years.
