Watch Day and Night Online

watch Day and Night
Day and Night

Day and Night Online

  • Genres: Drama
  • Release Date: 30/04/2016
  • Duration : 1 hour 35 minutes
  • Director: Ho Yuhang, Charlotte Lim, Yeo Joon Han
  • Country: Malaysia


"Day and Night" is an omnibus release by William Kwok-Wai of 3 short films consisting of 3 Malaysian filmmakers Ho Yuhang, Charlotte Lim and Yeo Joon Han, reflecting their personal feelings about the health of Malaysian society. "TRESPASSED" by Ho Yuhang is about a girl who misses her father slowly becomes entirely possessed by grief. It seems as if an outside force has taken control of her emotions. "BITE" by Charlotte Lim is about a school girl, meticulously observed by a patient camera in a small, yet sensitive story. Perhaps a lesson in life, for it isn't as innocent as it seems and "BEDSIDE MANNERS" by Yeo Joon Han is about a man who lies in bed, paralyzed. He can still see and hear and has to suffer the stupid talk of a bunch of idiots. Satire on all sorts of things in Malaysia.
